Idlewild, which marked Renaissance Property Group’s first partnership with Alliant Capital, was built in 2004-05 on an infill site adjoining a creek in this southern Missouri town.
Surrounding amenities suggested an ideal site for senior housing, which was scarce in the community, but the wetlands on the site and its floodplain status had long inhibited its development. In order to address these challenges, Mr. Miller first identified a source for the tens of thousands of cubic feet of compactible fill material needed to raise the site out of the floodplain. Next, he negotiated an arrangement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to fund the development of replacement wetlands in another location, in exchange for the issuance of a wetlands fill permit.
With these site issues addressed, the development team set about designing and building a subdivision-style complex comprising 40 units in duplexes, with driveways, garages, patios and spacious yards. Many of the property’s current residents are also the original residents, having enjoyed the tranquil setting since its 2005 completion.